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Groupon Glitch: Mistakenly Says Alexander Hamilton Was a U.S. President

The U.S. $10 bill currently features Alexander Hamilton, our first Secretary of Treasury, but was Hamilton more than that? According to an accident on Groupon’s part, the coupon website company mistakenly claimed that Hamilton was a former U.S. President. In light of the patriotic holiday, Groupon attempted to honor the country’s former leaders by offering customers an online deal. They chose to give $10 off a total of $40 on local purchases, to honor Alexander Hamilton and “commemorate a man historically powerful enough to be on money with $10.”

In their Presidents Day online deal announcement on Friday, which remained featured until Sunday, the company declared: “The $10 bill, as everyone knows, features President Alexander Hamilton — undeniably one of our greatest presidents and most widely recognized for establishing the country’s financial system.” Groupon also displayed the $10 bill on their website with the caption, “President Alexander Hamilton on the $10 bill.”

Groupon did get at least one thing about Hamilton correct, he is considered integral in establishing the United States financial system. They also accurately labeled him as “historically powerful,” evident by his role as founding father, major player in writing the Constitution, and position as chief of staff to General George Washington. But president? No, Hamilton never reached that level of leadership within our country.

Despite the mix-up, Groupon is still offering the online discount customers until Monday at 11:59 p.m. Because it never hurts to try to patch up a blunder with a bargain, and who’s to say that financial-savvy Hamilton wouldn’t have appreciated a good deal.

Photo by Emad Seyadali
Via USA Today