The DashBurst Blog

Have You Claimed Your Custom Google+ URL Yet?

Since the beginning of time Google+ has allowed only certain users, like popular businesses, celebrities and Google employees, to claim vanity URLs. The rest of us have suffered as Google+ assigned us unpersonalized and seemingly never-ending combinations of letters and numbers and called them our profile URLs. Linking to our profiles was always a pain, and casually sending someone to our Google+ profile was out of the question. This is no more: Google+ has begun to offer us ordinary folk custom Google+ URLs.

At the end of last week I received an email from the Google+ team letting me know I was eligible to claim a unique Google+ URL. Unlike every other social network, though, Google+ wouldn’t let me choose my own URL. Instead, Google+ offered me a custom URL based on my name, and I either had to take it or leave it. Here’s a screenshot of the email I received:

Have you received your custom Google+ URL yet?

via Google Operating System