The DashBurst Blog

Google Analytics to Roll Out Improved DashBoard Sharing for Collaboration

Google Analytics has announced a new feature that will allow you to share and collaborate on Google Analytics dashboards!

The dashboard gives you an overview of how your web properties are performing, and comes with a powerful feature to create a customizable dashboard that you and your teammates can edit. Dashboard sharing allows you to collaborate with your colleagues on a single shared dashboard, and makes a nice compliment to the dashboard templates – a way to create quick copies of dashboard configurations and settings.

The new Dashboard sharing feature will be rolling out in the coming weeks and can be accessed via the “Share” menu.

This generates a copy of your dashboard that is available to everyone listed on the profile. The private dashboards are grouped together, along with the shared dashboards which can all be seen in the report navigation bar on the left side of Google Analytics:

This should be a useful feature for websites run by businesses. You can learn more about the new sharing dashboard feature here.