The DashBurst Blog

The Giphoscope Lets You Watch GIFs on the Go Without a Computer

GIFs are often used to display simple animations and other dynamic illustrations on the Web. With their ever increasing popularity, it was only a matter of time till GIFs started to move through the physical world layer as well, sans digital mediums.

Can you even imagine the next time you’re looking to satisfy your craving for renaissance paintings turned into ridiculous GIFs and there isn’t any WiFi available?

Meet the Giphoscope, a vintage-looking device that lets you flip through the individual images of a GIF with a trusty handy-crank. Its retro-futuristic design, inspired by early motion picture devices like the Kinetoscope, was created by Marco Calabrese and Alessandro Scali and mixes analog and digital technology together to keep you entertained no matter your online status.

If the GIF of a GIF machine wasn’t enough to impress you, imagine taking GIFs of entire movies with you on the go too!

via The Creators Project