The DashBurst Blog

Artist Creates Giant Zippers to Reveal What Lies Beneath the Surfaces of Our Surroundings

Have you ever thought about what really lies beneath your feet every day? From the bricks and boards that make up the floor of a house, to the interiors of a wall, to the great depths of a lake, Japanese street artist Jun Kitagawa places gigantic zipper installations throughout cities in Japan to give people a look into the everyday world around them. His monster zippers can be found unzipping walls, or even natural resources begging you to imagine what lies beneath these surreal split landscapes and surfaces.

Supposedly Kitagaw is no stranger to offbeat and humorous displays of art in public, either, after he used a bunch off unwanted T-shirts to cover up the numerous nude statues populating his local town. According to core77, “an act that rides a perfectly crooked (and humorous) line between vandalism and public service, a street artist was born.”

Kitagawa went on to tell Spoon & Tamago about his rather intimate installations “I like to surprise people with a light eroticism.”

What you like to unzip out there?