Fiverr is a global marketplace of micro-jobs where sellers seek doers for small tasks and services, or gigs, that all start at, you guessed it, $5. Though Fiverr started just three years ago, it has already surpassed the 2 million gig milestone, listing gigs in 120 categories across more than 200 countries. Check out an interactive data visualization of Fiverr’s achievement here, which claims that 1.7 million buyers and sellers have used the platform.
Fiverr is a bustling community for freelancers, with 4,000 new gigs created every day and a new job purchased every six seconds. In fact, most small business owners or webmasters have probably used Fiverr for something at one point or another, since they can find some of the most talented graphic designers, video animators, writers, and virtual assistants on Fiverr each day.
Are you on Fiverr yet? What have been some of your favorite gigs?
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