The DashBurst Blog

Facebook Wants to Know How You Feel With a New Look Status Update

Rolling out this week on Facebook, people can now express what they’re watching, reading, listening to, eating, drinking or how they’re basically feeling in status updates. Your status posts will potentially be more engaging as well, presented in a rich new structure.


How is this any different than before you might ask?

Well for example, if you share that you’re watching a flick like Jurassic Park, your post will contain the film icon and link back to the movie’s Facebook page.

The movie Jurrasic Park will then be added to the Movies section of your timeline. As of today, your timeline includes TV shows, movies and books. Of course these updates added to your timeline respect the given privacy settings chose for the post.


When will you see this update?

According to Facebook:

We’ll continue rolling this out to people in the U.S. in the coming weeks. Learn more in the Help Center for Sharing.

Overall these structured updates will likely lead to more sharing activity that can be used for ad targeting or even index in Graph Search. Facebook is also trying to expand how users connect with objects beyond the “like” which could extend to new ways developers build apps for Facebook and their vision for Facebook Home.
Now it’s your turn. How are you feeling about this new Facebook status update?