Is the Fall of Facebook for Real?

Is there anything bigger than Facebook? For a long time, the answer has been no. But we might now be seeing a steady decline in Facebook’s numbers. We’ve watched companies like this come and go before (e.g. Friendster, MySpace, etc.), so maybe we should have foreseen this service fading into irrelevance. At the root of… Continue reading Is the Fall of Facebook for Real?

3 Online Privacy Concerns You Should be Worried About

With the rise of social media, privacy concerns have taken a backseat in recent years. But nowadays, more people are catching on to how accessible they truly want to be to the outside world. And it’s even starting to become a pressing issue with users and big-name social media sites alike.

What You Should Know About Facebook Oversharing

Humans are social creatures. We love to interact with the people around us. We share our lives with our family, friends, co-workers and even casual acquaintances. But sometimes we forget to turn off our filters and we share too much of our life, especially through outlets like social media. So what makes us overshare? Experts… Continue reading What You Should Know About Facebook Oversharing