Best to Engage People on Facebook with Video and Images, on Fridays [STATS]

How and when is it best to engage people on Facebook? According to the “Q1 Social Intel­li­gence Report,” released this month by Adobe, images and videos are the most engaging types of Facebook posts that brands can share, and it’s best to share them on Friday.

Video posts have actually become more engaging, up from 2.4% to 3.0%, which can be partly attributed to Facebook recently making videos auto-play on the newsfeed. According to the report, that one alteration led to 25% year-over-year, and 58% quarter-over-quarter, increases in video post engagement. Although image post engagement decreased, it remains high at 4.4%. Links are the third most engaging, and text least engaging.

fb video engagement

But Facebook engagement is not just about giving people the type of post they want, it’s also about when to give it to them. Although the numbers for each day are close, Friday is the best day for engagement, with 15.7% of post impressions and a 3.3% engagement rate. In addition, 25% of video plays happen on Fridays.

In all, it’s best for businesses and brand marketers to focus on image and video posting and to share their best content at the end of the work week.

fb friday engagement

Featured image by Master OSM 2011

Mikaela Rakos

By Mikaela Rakos

Mikaela is both a writer and content curator for Dashburst, looking to discover and share the latest news, art, entertainment and more. When not tracking down new content to share with the world, you can find Mikaela spending quality time with her rescue dog.