19 Facebook Rules for Maintaining Proper Businesses Etiquette

Facebook etiquette rules

Facebook has become our virtual home online, both for personal and business purposes. Each use case has its own set of rules to abide by. For example, while it may be frowned upon to tell your friends to Like your Facebook Page, asking other business Pages to like your Page is downright desperate. And just because your friends approve of your constant stream of new posts every 10 minutes doesn’t mean you should blast your Page fans at such a high frequency too. As a business, you need to carefully create and share content your audience wants to see to maximize your visibility on the network.

Part of the problem is that Facebook has become sort of a personal diary or journal for many folks online, which in turn blurs the rules for how to act properly as a business on the network. So even though your friends may appreciate or even sympathize with your latest rants, complaining as a business for example looks unprofessional and will leave people with negative feelings towards your company.

Remember that social media is about informing and entertaining people, first and foremost. Here are 19 other rules to properly guide your business to Facebook success!

Facebook etiquette rules

Source: Top Dog Social Media

Daniel Zeevi

By Daniel Zeevi

Daniel is a social network architect, web developer, infographic designer, writer, speaker and founder of DashBurst. Full-time futurist and part-time content curator, always on the hunt for disruptive new technology, creative art and web humor.

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