The Best Pranks of April Fool’s Day 2014

brown e's april fool's day prank

From shrink-wrapped cars to Pokémon wandering around Google Maps to balloons in surprising places, April Fool’s Day pranks can range from hilarious to just plain annoying. Take the woman who pranked her colleagues with a memo about brownies, for example, only to deliver a pan of brown e‘s to the office. If that’s not torture, I’m not sure what is.

Check out some of the best April Fool’s pranks of 2014 from Flickr, Instagram and Twitter below, and tell us about your favorites in the comments section!

What were your favorite April Fool’s Day pranks of 2014?

Lauren Mobertz

By Lauren Mobertz

Lauren is the former managing editor for DashBurst. One part geek, one part urban nomad, she is constantly scouting for the latest tech and world news. In the evenings you'll find Lauren running in strange places or attempting to dance salsa.